GLAD Landsat ARD Tools V1.1 Software Download

The GLAD Tools V1.1 is the latest version of the GLAD ARD management and application software. The package can be downloaded here:


Update log (please update your version with the latest release)

  • V.1.1.0 (1/11/2021) - First release.
  • V.1.1.1 (3/18/2021) - Data management codes fixed (,
  • V.1.1.2 (8/20/2021) Data management codes fixed. New metric types added. Added new capability to calibrate and apply classification model using training from multiple years. This update has an important fix for processing South America data before 2005 (non-standard ARD QA codes).

Installation instructions

  • Create folder C:\GLAD_1.1 and unpack the content of the zip file into this folder (this version does not allow changing software path).
  • Open C:\GLAD_1.1 and execute batch file “Add_PATH_for_GLAD_v1.1.bat”.
  • Reboot your computer.

Update instructions

  • Replace the content of C:\GLAD_1.1 with the content of the file.

System requirements

  • Windows 10 (64-bit).
  • 16 GB RAM (8GB RAM for limited capacity).
  • Enough disk volume for data storage and processing.
  • Administrative privileges are required for software installation.

The GLAD Tools require the following open-source software to be installed separately:

For detailed instructions and troubleshooting please refer to the Manual

The GLAD Tools available with no charges and no restrictions on subsequent redistribution or use, if the proper citation is provided as specified by the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).

Copyright © Global Land Analysis and Discovery Team, University of Maryland


Suggested citation: Potapov, P., Hansen, M.C., Kommareddy, I., Kommareddy, A., Turubanova, S., Pickens, A., Adusei, B., Tyukavina A., and Ying, Q., 2020. Landsat analysis ready data for global land cover and land cover change mapping. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 426; doi:10.3390/rs12030426