16-day ARD data

  • Landsat processing - see Forest_monitoring_in_Lower_Mekong_for_RSE.pdf for reference

Tile system - "D:\GLAD_2019\Data\cambodia_tiles.shp"

  • 16-day composite ID, bands, and quality flags - "D:\GLAD_2019\Shared_Cambodia_training_2019\Documentation\16d_intervals.xlsx"

Data download Updated

          See new code in D:\GLAD_2019\New_download_code

  1. Make a separate folder (or check the 16-day data folder location on the local computer)
  2. Make a list of tiles (see example for all Cambodia tiles - "D:\GLAD_2019\Data\Cambodia_tiles.txt")
  3. Use code 01_download_V1.1.pl
  4. Usage: >perl 01_download.pl <username> <password> <tile list file> <start interval> <end interval> <output folder>
  5. Example: >perl 01_download_V1.1.pl myname mypass tiles.txt 783 874 D:/xx_SERVIR_local_processing/tiles_16d
  6. TEST: 2 tiles, 2 intervals each (4 intervals total) start 8:42, end 8:46 (4 minutes). Total time for 1 year of data download (30 tiles): 12 hours. 1 year of data ~ 120 GB
  7. All DEM metrics are in D:\GLAD_2019\Data\DEM (no need to download again)